About Us

About Waterbirth Solutions
We are passionate about laboring and birthing in water. Our mission is to provide the highest quality birth pools for women and their partners whether birthing at home or in a hospital.
We employed water during the homebirth of our daughter in 2006 and our son in 2009. Having a deep, sturdy tub enabled our baby to enter the world naturally and gently. We believe that water is the best possible tool to achieve a natural birth. Coupled with a wonderful midwife and/or doula water provides a beautiful birthing experience.
We are a small, women-owned business and our small staff ensures that you will be treated with the utmost respect and care any time you contact customer service. To us, every customer counts!

Education Overview
Evidence-based practices are the answer to our childbirth crisis in America. Scientifically sound studies provide the clearest information.
We post studies and articles that interest expectant parents, Care Providers and Administrators alike.
Expectant Parents can learn what questions to ask a potential Care Provider and how to speak with a local hospital about Waterbirth. Learn about the Midwifery Model of Care, Waterbirth and Natural Birth in general.
Care Providers can share literature with patients and download studies of interest.
We aspire to be a trusted resource for our customers.
About Marla Althouse
Pregnant with our first child at 38, words a friend told me over 10 years before came alive. We were drinking tea on her couch where a Midwife had caught both her girls and while I thought she was crazy at the time, the description of an empowering, beautiful birth stuck with me.
I had recently lost my best friend, my mother, and I needed help and love to navigate this unknown territory. I was scared as I started my search for a Midwife and Waterbirth.
I found the education, empowerment and bonding that I needed in a small Midwife practice. Water was critical for managing my pain and gave me mobility to labor my way. We had a beautiful Home Birth and my once-skeptical husband is now a vocal Home Birth advocate!